Wearing Animal Tails is Another Fashion Trend?

I know I am not a fashionable person and I guess that is the reason why I can’t quite understand why something gets popular and becomes a trend, just like the furry nail, clip-on man buns or cat hairband we featured before. And today, there is another beyond my understanding accessory – false tail becomes the latest fashion trend.

Those false tails are introduced by Telltails, a British company which creates life-size tails of various animals, from squirrels to leopards to lemurs for kids as well as adults. According to the website, “Telltails are made of a range of different fabrics and are stuffed so you can bend them, curl them, squash them and easily fit them in your suitcase. Wearing a TellTail is an exercise in silliness. Its about not taking yourself to seriously, its about self expression, its about the unadulterated enhancement of fun in the extreme.” Does that sound attempting to you? For me… still a no no. But anyway, those tails might be good for the Halloween parties. Do you think so?

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